Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Best Friend's Wedding

Me, Reez, Shahmer, Wawa dan Ozlin

Minggu lepas, 3 June, perkahwinan member baik kat kampus, Iqlima Zulaikha dengan pasangan dia Mohd Asyraf di Bandar Universiti, Perak. I'm happy for her finally she's married.

i can't believe that she's got married !! bhahaa

happy for her and asyraf !

this is sheila, my friend. she's crazy, i really mean it! hahhaa

happy for both of you! semoga keka ke anak cucu :D


Lee Zha said...

im really jelous of u guys.. :( tapi xpa la, nanti plan gath ramai2 ok? :D

Rizuan Dan Apple said...

ala liza u jauh sangat nun di negeri bumi kenyalang itu. tak pe next kita gather okay